Kick-Start Your KDP Sales With Low Content Logbooks That Will Sell All Throughout The Year!
8 Done-For-You Logbook Packages—Complete With Keywords & Categories!
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I've published quite a few low content books over the years, and throughout that time one thing has always stood out to me: logbooks continue to be some of my "easiest" sellers.
What I mean by easy is this:
- Logbooks almost always include repeat interiors which cuts down on your design time and overall workload.
- Logbooks typically serve one main audience, which means you know who your buyers are = super easy targeting, if you choose to expand or build a brand off of Amazon.
- Logbooks are evergreen, which means most logbooks will sell all year long—not just seasonally. SUPER IMPORTANT!
- Profitable logbook niches are often easy to spot, and there are so many of them! In fact, I currently have a list of 68 logbook niches I plan to create books for throughout the next year.
If you've yet to publish logbooks on Amazon, you really should include them in your yearly publishing schedule.
Not only are they easy to create, but there still so many incredibly profitable niches that are virtually untapped, or at the very least, remarkably under-serviced!
Looking to jump into logbook low-content niche quickly?
Read on for details on how you can snag a copy of a brand new, done-for-you interior package!
Low Content Logbooks Vol #1!

Low Content Logbooks includes everything you need to quickly boost your income by publishing in-demand logbooks on Amazon.
Not only does this new collection come bundled with PowerPoint source files for each design, as well as ready-to-upload books based on sizes and lengths most popular in each niche, but I've also done all the niche research for you!
That means each package includes top keywords and categories for every single logbook.
The keywords and categories are based on in-depth research, focusing on high-traffic keywords with low to medium demand.
Low Content Logbooks Vol #1 is essentially your "fast-pass" into the world of profitable logbook publishing on Amazon—and beyond.
8 Done-For-You Logbooks
Every logbook is ready to sell. This means each book includes a splash page, followed by 100-120 pages of content. Each has been compiled into print-version, but also comes with source files.
The size and length of each logbook is also based on specific market research so you can be sure you're able to compete with even the top-sellers in these niches.
Some of the logbook niches include:
- Mental health
- Weight loss and/or fitness
- Travel
- Outdoor activities
- Health based
Each logbook package also includes source files (PowerPoint), and a special commercial-use license!

High-Exposure Keywords
Every logbook package comes with a Keywords folder. This file features a list of high-traffic, low-to-medium competition keywords designed to help you boost visibility without ads so you can maximize sales.
These keywords can also be used in your book titles, sub-titles, series names and book descriptions to further optimize your listings for increased traffic!
Top Category Listings
Placing your books in the right categories on Amazon is essential when it comes to maximizing sales.
This is because the categories you choose will either connect you to potential customers or land your book in never-never-land, where exposure is severely reduced and sales are dismal, to say the least.
With your purchase of Low Content Logbooks Vol 1, you won't have to worry about this because you'll get a list of top categories for every logbook!
You will also receive instructions on how to place your books in these categories, ensuring you utilize maximum category capacity, something people often overlook when publishing on Amazon.
- 8 Logbook Interiors—compiled into complete books and ready to upload!
- Source Files (PowerPoint), so you can edit and customize as you wish!
- Font Directory (only free fonts are used in my designs!)
- Keyword Research for every book!
- Categories for every book!
- Commercial-Use License!
Yours in success,

Kate Riley,
© 2025 Kate Riley, All rights reserved.